Course Schedule

Closing Circle

Closing Circle

Our final sharing circle will close our journey, part sharing circle part ritual our gathering will conclude our journey. It will be time to celebrate all we have journeyed through together and prepare us for what lies ahead.

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Guided Self- Pleasure

Guided Self- Pleasure

Our final body session is guided by Andrea Balboni, being initiated in to self pleasure by another woman is a powerful gateway to clear shame, approach pleasure from a fresh perspective and be held to experience a deeper sensations of pleasure and sensuality.

You will need privacy, a comfortable space and some time to integrate after the session. Your privacy is in your hands and you are in control.

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Erotic Self - Witness

Erotic Self - Witness

This session held by Sophia walks you through the Erotic expression trough the ages, providing you with a context for how artists have visualised the erotic through time. Sophia will guide you on how to create a self portrait session for yourself.

Erotic Self-Witness is powerful process to evolve, expand and create with your erotic archetypes. It builds confidence, and shifts your sense of self as you begin to spiral out in to your expanded being.

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Sacred Heart Puja

Sacred Heart Puja

Rosy Moon is hosting a sensual yoga session which will lead us to a Sacred Heart Puja. This is an opportunity to drop in to the heart, to release and renew within the core of our magnetic being and reignite our field with an expanded heart flow.

Wear comfortable clothing and have space to MOVE!

We recommend you give yourself at least 30 minutes liminal time after the session has ended to ground, reflect and receive.

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Self - Seduction Journey

Self - Seduction Journey

This chapter we drop in to the BODY. This session is an embodied journey in to our sacred archetypes. A guided ritual for which you are invited to prepare your body, adorn yourself and welcome in your wild woman.

This will be an embodiment session guided by Sophia, wear clothing that makes you feel sensual and slinky and make sure you have space to MOVE! Have a journal ready for afterwards and I send you a preparation document with more juicy ways to support yourself.

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Sharing Circle 1

Sharing Circle 1

This is a time for us to gather, to share, to reflect on what we have travelled through so far. The sharing circles are optional and are here if anything comes up that you feel you need more support with while we journey. Each circle is directly after the body work session as emotion arises sometimes we need more support to process and explore. Doing this as a group we can learn from eachother and being witnessed in our transformation can also hold powerful medicine.

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KMRT Embodiment Session

KMRT Embodiment Session

KMRT®is an embodiment practice of Kundalini energy through the quantum field of magnetic resonance 0 point non dualistic light language with ancient ROOTS IN Ayurveda Yoga & TANTRA. Darshna Parmar will lead us through an introduction to this foundational embodiment practice you are invited to carry though this course.

This session will be movement and body based, so wear comfortable clothes and have space to move.

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Collage with the Subconscious

Collage with the Subconscious

For this session you will need material to collage with, glue, scissors, magazines, newspaper. If you want to bring pens and or paint. What ever you want to express with!

We will be starting with a gentle embodiment and then move in to creating and dialogue. Wear comfortable clothes and prepare to get creative!

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